Thursday, April 14, 2016

Today let's talk music,I've almost always got something on and in fact I have some Ossian playing (a Hungarian metal band,go find them and take a listen is my advice)

Now I started really getting into music at around ten years old and I cut my teeth with 50's rock i.e. Buddy Holly,Dion,The Big Bopper and the like but I moved on and over the next fifteen years I sampled a bit of it all from rock to pop with a bit of everything between even disco and soft rock which makes me question my sanity a little when I look back.....
From this little odyssey I found that I can have likes as small as a couple songs out of a style of music to being considered a "fan" of certain kinds-I be a metal head no doubt and I don't apologize to liking some really unsettling bands,Six Feet Under anybody? never mind some of the European bands I follow.

One thing I don't get is people who fixate on one kind of music or one era of it,like the hard core Elvis fans who listen to nothing but Elvis my thought is....why? but then I feel the same way of people who do,eat,or think the same thing without change,why would you do that to yourself anyway? it's a big universe and there's a lot of stuff out there so you may as well go sample all kinds of different things and have some fun,dammit.

So what do you people think of music?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Welcome to the "Daly Splatter" where I'll be talking about things that go through my head and you can enjoy my warped thoughts.

Here I'll talk about anything from entertainment (I love anime,heavy metal,sci-fi and get my "TV" via netflix) to outdoor stuff (ever skinned a raccoon? I haven't..yet),my fun state of WV (I be from California and I can tell you this place isn't like the jokes you hear) and a myriad of things between.

So sit tight,buckle your seat belts,don't feed any animals we may encounter in here,and keep your hands inside the vehicle and we'll take the first trip into the huge cavern that is my mind.

"And away we go!"

First thing I have to ask as it's something that's been on my mind the last few days,I went to grab some grub and chose a can of pork 'an beans and while I opened the can of delightful legumes I had the thought roam into my brain's field of view that has any of you ever opened one and actually found pork? I mean even some tiny little scrap of a pig? because I never really have,granted one time I found a small square of fat.....about the size of a thumb nail and the same consistency as piece of uncooked bacon fat.

Yummy! something that's like uncooked fat! Mind people it melted when I heated it but still...

Kinda like finding "extras" in other foods,that extra crispy dark brown fry that either tastes great or is like eating shriveled death,maybe you get real lucky and get an onion ring! or opening a can of corn and finding a green bean that's sneaked it's way in (how does that happen anyway??)

I'm not talking about the gross things that happen here,like rubber bands or a band-aid but the more-or-less pleasant extras fate tosses in one's meal platter.

All for now,more later.